Our HR policy
We are an organization on a human scale. We are committed to fostering the professional fulfilment of our salaried employees, and to support them in their career development. We take great care to integrate as best we can our new staff members, to forge links between our different specialisms, and to attract new talents.
Employment of Young People
We assist young people’s first steps in a corporate environment, notably by frequently receiving interns and trainees. In 2020, we doubled the number of young people on block release and doing apprenticeships. In this way, 20 new block-release trainees joined us in September for a period of one to two years, depending on their course of study. In addition, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has developed a "gateway" programme designed to recruit talents looking for their first professional experience.

We encourage the development of skills: nearly 80 % of our salaried employees access at least one training course a year. Every year, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port devotes the equivalent of over 4 % of the payroll to vocational training, thereby also helping to maintain and to improve the level of expertise.
Internal Mobility
We support the career development of each of our staff members. We therefore encourage internal mobility. Last year, nearly 50 % of vacancies for shore-based and sea-going personnel taken together were filled in this way.
Health and Safety at Work
Working alongside the two Health and Safety at Work Committees (H&SWCs), the first for shore-based personnel and the second for sea-going personnel, we act to prevent the risks associated with our salaried employees’ professional activities. The aims of our approach to health and safety at work are to reach our goal of "zero accidents" and to enable our salaried employees to carry out their work in the safest possible environment.

Social and Professional Inclusion
Ever since 1998, we have been committed to encouraging the social and professional inclusion or reintegration of persons excluded from the workplace. The inclusion unit team comprises 4 to 6 salaried employees every year. Each team member is given a 12- to 24-month "employment skills pathway" contract, so as to be able to reintegrate the world of work more easily. Following their experience with Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port, two thirds of the members of personnel that we have assisted through this scheme have subsequently found a job or have gone on to vocational training leading to a qualification.
Inclusion of Disabled Workers
In 2015, Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port embarked on an initiative in support of the professional inclusion and the maintenance in employment of disabled workers. The Port Authority made a commitment to promote the integration of all employee profiles without discrimination (adaptation of the procedures to assist the recruitment and inclusion of disabled workers), to safeguard career paths (identification, establishment and monitoring of maintenance-in-employment and redeployment situations, workplace adaptation), and to develop partnerships with local players so as to professionalize practices (recruitment, maintenance in employment and subcontracting with the protected sector).

Dispositif Lig'Entreprises
Soucieux du bien-être de ses salariés, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port a initié en octobre 2024 un partenariat avec Lig'Entreprises. Une association luttant depuis 1918 contre le cancer. Ce partenariat, va nous engager et nous accompagner afin de pouvoir former nos équipes de la meilleure façon possible, en passant par de nombreuses actions de sensibilisation : webinaires, ateliers, serious game… Toutes ces actions vont nous permettre de mettre en place un réel accompagnement en faveur du retour à l'emploi des personnes atteintes de la maladie.
Professional equality index for women and men
In application of the decree of 8 January 2019, all companies with at least 50 employees must calculate and publish their Professional Equality Index.
This index allows the companies concerned to assess the level of equality between men and women on the basis of 5 criteria, the results of which for the period 2022 are as follows
Gender pay gap: 38/40
Difference in the rate of individual increases between women and men: 20/20
Difference in promotion rates between women and men: 15/15
Salary increases following maternity leave: 15/15
Parity among the 10 highest paid: 0/10
If the index falls below 75 points, the company must implement corrective measures.
For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port has obtained an overall score of 88/100.