The ÉOLE Project

The ÉOLE Project

Able to draw on its skills and experience in relation to fixed-foundation wind turbines with the Saint Nazaire offshore wind farm, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port is looking to rethink the place of renewable energy sources in its economic model, and to support the policies of ecological and energy transition.

In order to meet the XXL requirements for the large-scale deployment of floating wind turbines, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has identified offshore wind power as an essential growth driver in its future development. With the ÉOLE project, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port aims to place at the disposal of the offshore sector a dedicated industrial integration base for fixed-foundation and floating wind turbines.

The ÉOLE Project : a Key Asset in the Deployment of Floating Wind Power Generation projet EOLE 

The ÉOLE Project : a Key Asset in the Deployment of Floating Wind Power Generation projet EOLE 

Drawing on its experience on the construction of France’s first ever offshore wind farm and on its close links with the sector’s industrial players, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port is now involved in the development of large-dimension, high-capacity floating wind turbines.

Via the ÉOLE project, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port is seeking to redimension the existing infrastructure ‒ the pre-assembly facility in Saint Nazaire ‒ as an integration base for floating wind power, so as to meet the requirements of the sector’s industrial firms. The rate of production, the positioning in relation to the future locations of the wind farm facilities, the load-bearing capacity and the versatility of the quays constitute the performance criteria that are essential in order for this activity to function properly.


  • + More than 700 m of reinforced quay at more than 30 tonnes per m²

    12 to 14 m draught, depending on the technology

    + more than 300 m of air draught

    XXL equipment to handle packages weighing several thousand tonnes

    a beaching station for floats

    the capacity to receive new generation jack-up vessels

ÉOLE News Update

Lancement de la concertation préalable le 23 septembre 2024

Informez-vous et participez à la concertation préalable !

Dès le 23 septembre, le dossier de concertation et toutes les modalités seront consultables sur la plateforme participative dédiée au projet :

Jusqu'au 23 novembre 2024, plusieurs rencontres vous seront prévues : deux réunions publiques (d'ouverture et de clôture), une croisière, trois ateliers thématiques, etc. Toutes les informations pratiques sont disponibles en ligne, inscrivez-vous !

Consultez le dossier de concertation préalable

A Project Supported at Local, National and European Level

The ÉOLE project is an integral part of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s 2021-2026 strategic plan, and more particularly in terms of the aim of delivering successful energy and ecological transition. The Supervisory Board of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has therefore given the go-ahead to the studies that are necessary for the project’s design.

The European Commission is contributing to the financing of the studies concerned within the framework of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme and ADEME, as part of the France 2030 study program.. Furthermore, the studies relating to the development of a dedicated infrastructure for floating wind power in Saint Nazaire are included in the Central Government − Pays de la Loire Regional Authority Planning Agreement.