What Role Do Ports Play in France’s MRE Deployment Strategy?
On 3rd December, the French Renewable Energy Federation held the 10th edition of the National Conference on Marine Renewable Energy, entitled "Ocean of Solutions: The Marine Renewable Energy Industry at the Service of Energy Sovereignty", at the headquarters of the Business France organization in Paris.
In partnership with Seanergy, this major event in the MRE sector brought together more than 300 key participants, including industrialists, developers, subcontractors, Central Government agencies and elected representatives. Jean-Rémy Villageois, Chair of the Management Board of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port, spoke about how delivering successful energy transition is a necessity for ports, particularly for those whose business is heavily dependent on fossil fuel traffic. Energy transition is now at the heart of port strategies.
Ports are set to become key players in the MRE sector, which means adapting their infrastructures and their activities. This will require considerable investment and efficient inter-port coordination on each seaboard. Co-construction with regional community players, citizens and industrialists will form the key to the success of future projects.
France’s ports will be at the forefront of industrial performance and competitiveness, sharing a vision for the future of their regional communities.